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Short Term E- NIT No. 58 of 2018-19 

    For and on behalf of Governor of Jammu & Kashmir State, the Executive Engineer Irrigation Division No. 1 Jammu invites E-Tenders from the reputed contractors for the below mentioned works.

S.No Name of work Bid Validity Advertised Amount

   (Rs. In Lacs)

Earnest money


Cost of tender document Period of completion Class of Contractor
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1. Construction of Culvert on D- 8 of M.R.C near RD 7500 M Sari Rakhwalan. 90 days 1.00 2000.00 500.00 7 days “ B, C and D”
2. Construction of Culvert on D- 8 of M.R.C between under CDF RD 6500- 6800 M Pouni Chack. 90 days 1.50 3000.00 500.00 7 days “ B, C and D”
3. Restoration of damaged spots near the house of Rajinder singh by way of construction of walling section and other allied works at Hakkal Main Khul. 90 days 2.00 4000.00 500.00 7 days “ A, B, C and D”


  1. POSITION OF FUNDS :               DEMANDED
  2. POSITION OF A.A                 :               UNDER PROCESS

Important Dates:-

  1. Date of Publishing from                                 :                                      18-02-2019  from 09:00 AM
  2. Downloading from :                                      18-02-2019 from 10:00 AM
  • Bid submission start date :                                      19-02-2019 from 12:00 PM
  1. Bid submission end date :                                      25-02-2019 up to  06:00 PM
  2. Date and time of Bid opening                 :                                      26-02-2019 (at 12:00 Noon)


  • The bidding documents can be downloaded from the website http:/ from 18-02-2019 (from 10:00 AM).
  1. The Bids shall be uploaded in electronic format on the website from                     19-02-2019 (12:00 PM) to 25-02-2019 (06:00 PM)
  2. The complete bidding process will be
  3. A pre-bid meeting will be held on 19-02-2019 at 00 AM in the Office of the Executive Engineer, Irrigation Division No.1, Jammu, if required to clarify the issues and to answer queries on any matter that may be raised at that stage as stated in instructions   to the bidders in the bidding documents & general conditions of contract.
  4. The Technical bids uploaded on the website up to due date and time will be opened on 26-02-2019 at 12:00 Noon in the Office of the Executive Engineer Irrigation Division No.1, Jammu.
  5. The lowest Bidder i.e. L1 shall be intimated to deposit the original copy of required earnest money in the shape of CDR/FDR and hard copies of all relevant documents as mentioned in clause of general instructions to the Bidders within 3 days from the date of opening of financial Bids.
  6. In light of Govt. Notification issued by Finance department Civil Secretariat vide no. A/24(2017)-651 dated:- 07-06-2018, the bidder must upload the copy of Challan /receipt on account of cost of tender documents remitted in the treasury concerned for that the bidders must write an application to be addressed to treasury officer concerned requesting therein for remittance of amount as cost of tender documents towards H 0702/Revenue (others).
  7. The lowest bidder shall deposit EMD within three days after receiving electronic message of financial bids, the L1 bidder should deposit the original EMD in shape of CDR/FDR pledged to Executive Engineer Irrigation Div. No.1 Jammu, in the Office, otherwise the department will cancel the tender and action shall be taken against the contractor to debar in future tendering process as decided by the department (As per Finance Department order No. O.M No. A/24(2017)-651 dated: – 07-06-2018).
  8. Bidding documents can be seen/ downloaded from the website http://www.jktenders bidding documents contain qualifying criteria for bidders, technical specifications, general terms and conditions and other details.
  9. The bids for the work shall remain open for acceptance for a period of 90 days from the date of opening of bids, if any bidder/ renderer withdraws his bid/tender during the Said period or makes any modifications in the terms and conditions of the bid, the earnest money of such bidder shall be forfeited.
  10. Other details can be seen in the tender document.







Executive Engineer

Irrigation Division No. 1


No: JID/I/15016-15044

Date: 13/02/2019                                       


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